Authored Books

The Platinum Print was co-authored with John Hafey. It is one of the first definitive histories written exclusively about the Platinotype photographic process.
The book is also a catalog of an exhibition of modern platinum prints organized by the authors and exhibited at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1979, with the support and encouragement of the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences. An introduction to the plates by Marianne Fulton Margolis, Curator of 19th Century Photography from the George Eastman House is also included.
The Platinum Print contains an extensive bibliography and a technical appendix. It provides an exploration into the reasons why the platinum print was once the most popular photographic printing process.
Vintage copies of this book are available for purchase from the author, on, and specialty bookstores.

The Instruction Manual for the Platinum Printing Process presents simple, step-by-step instructions on how to make a platinum print. These instructions are based upon my 30 years of experience in making platinum prints, and cover all important aspects of the process, including information on archival print processing and care.
A Breath of Light Catalog for an exhibit of contemporary platinum prints, including an introductory essay and select images by Thomas Shillea.
Platinotypes, a limited-edition monograph including a hand-tipped platinotype by the authors.